
Session 4: IOLS Current Debates

Session 4: IOLS Current Debates


16:00 – 16:20
Thomas Neuhann, Germany
keynote Lecture: Thoughts to find your way through the jungle of different IOL-options
16:20 – 16:28
Nabil Ragaei, Spain
Updating premium IOLs
16:28 – 16:36
Ashraf Armia, Egypt
Hybird mono-focal plus for patient satisfaction
16:36 – 16:44
Thomas Neuhann, Germany
Individually aberration correcting IOL: Clincal results
16:44 – 16:52
Mohamed Afifi, Egypt
Toric IOLS: How friendly
16:52 – 17:00
Sarah Maling, UK
Managing presbyopia with EDOF lenses
17:00 – 17:08
Miltos Balidis, Greece
Managing unhappy MFIOL patient
17:08 – 17:22
Larry Benjamin, UK
IOL exchange/dysphotopsias/dislocations after cataract surgery
17:22 – 17:30
Hatem Ammar, Egypt
IOL explantation in different scenarios